Zdenko Jurilj / Bosnia and Herzegovina / 72' / 2023.

The Film Stigma deals with the universal subject of ideological stigmatisation. The film is set in western Herzegovina, in the turbulent period after the Second World War. It talks about the devastation in a traditional environment left by ideological confrontations, which culminates during a tobacco journey. The main character of the film is Dragan, the son of ex-Yugoslavia security-intelligence organization officer Mile (who ends up in prison). Dragan is forced to go on a tobacco journey with a group of tobacco smugglers, believing that none of the smugglers know his true identity.
• Screenwriter Josip Mlakić
• Cameraman Mirko Pivčević
• Editing Tomislav Topić
• Producer Tomislav Bubalo
Festivals and awards
Filmski susreti Niš / Kino region
Kadar film and video production