Manuel Muñoz Rivas / Spain / 26' / 2023.

On board a ferry, a series of passengers cross a river from one riverbank to the other. Some of the travellers chat, perhaps to liven up the voyage and speed up time. Some others wrap themselves in silence and observe the unfamiliar fellow travellers or contemplate the scenery. The journey on the waters seems to expand, the destination shore is unexpectedly postponed, and the magnitude of space is blurred.
• Screenwriter Manuel Muñoz Rivas
• Cameraman Mauro Herce, Manuel Muñoz Rivas
• Editing Mauro Herce, Manuel Muñoz Rivas
• Producer Manuel Muñoz Rivas
Festivals and awards
International Film Festival Rotterdam 2023. – KNF Award
Manuel Muñoz Rivas