23/09/2024 Mediterranean film festival
Ljevak, Krešić and Ružić choose the Grand Prix of 25th MFF
Kristina Ljevak, Ivo Krešić and Jelena Ružić are the members of the 25th Mediterranean Film Festival Jury for the feature documentary competition.

Ljevak has an extensive experience working in journalism and communications, and is engaged in the affirmation of independent culture. She currently works as a PR manager. Krešić is an awarded theatre and film actor employed at the Croatian National Theatre in Mostar. Ružić is a journalist who writes film reviews and is currently engaged in digital marketing.

The jury in this composition chooses the Grand Prix of the 25th MFF among the ten films in the competition.

Kristina Ljevak
Was born in Sarajevo in 1980. She has completed her studies in comparative literature and special studies in joiurnalism at Media plan. She has been engaged in journalism, communications and work in culture for twenty-four years. She worked as a journalist and editor in the Culture Department of the Federal Television for the longest period and was also a publishing editor. Her engagement in the field of culture is mostly related to numerous projects dedicated to the affirmation of independent culture within the framework of the Zvono Association. She currently works in the Sarajevo office of the regional agency Represent Communications in the position of PR manager.

Ivo Krešić
Theatre and film actor born in Mostar in 1979. He played in the films ‘Defence and Protection, ‘Dead Fish’, ‘General’, ‘The Wrath of God’ and the series ‘Rest in Peace’. He is also the author of the monodramas ‘Mat’ and ‘Garbage’ and the co-author of the play ‘The Alphabet of Literature’. He won the award for the best debut novel in 2007 at the Fra Grga Martić Foundation in Kreševo for the novel "And the Month of May Came", and he is the co-author of the poetry collection "Usred grada tmurna nalaktih se da povratim ". He is employed at the Croatian National Theatre in Mostar. 

Jelena Ružić
Born in Zenica, raised in Vitez and she received her master's degree in Croatology in Zagreb, where she lives now. She worked as a journalist in the Večernji list in the culture section until she entered into the field of digital marketing, which she is still engaged in. As a freelancer, she currently works as a storyteller, content writer, and copywriter. She writes film reviews for the Sunday edition of the Večernji list, edits books, and works as a production consultant.

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