09/08/2016 Mediterranean film festival
The jury in the category of short film
Amra Bakšić Čamo, Zoran Galić and Tina Bernik are the members of the jury for short documentary film at the 17th MFF.

 Amra Bakšić Čamo is a film producer, one of the founders of SCAA/Pro.ba, independent production from Sarajevom and lecturer at the Academy of Performing Arts in Sarajevo. Zoran Galić is film producer and founder of the production company Vizart from Banja Luka. Tina Bernik is film critic and independent journalist from Ljubljana. This jury decides on the best author from the category of short documentary film.

Amra Bakšić Čamo graduated from comparative literature in 1996. Since 1995 she has been involved in new media and video production in the SEE region. While living in Slovenia, Amra worked for Ljubljana Digital Media Lab. She is one of the founders of SCCA/pro.ba, independent film, video and tv production from Sarajevo. She has produced and coproduced numerous awarded short films and art videos, documentaries and TV programs, and feature films. An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker by Danis Tanovic won Jury Grand Prix and Silver Bear for Best Actor at Berlinale 2013. For 11 years, she is the head of the CineLink, regional co-production market and project development project of the Sarajevo Film Festival. Amra is working at the Academy of Performing Arts in Sarajevo, Production Department, as a lecturer.

Zoran Galić is a film producer born in Jajce (BiH) in 1979. He graduated film and TV directing at the Academy of Arts (University of Banja Luka), and holds an MA in Creative Film and TV Production at the Faculty of Dramatics Arts in Belgrade. Since 2004, he has been directing and producing commercials, music videos and short films. From 2007, he has been working mostly as a producer. In 2003 he founded Vizart Film production in Banja Luka. Since then he has produced feature and short fiction films, documentaries and one animated film ranging from comedy, to thriller noir, drama, experimental and socially engaged films.

Tina Bernik was born in Slovenia in 1978 and has a degree in classical philology and Slovene language and literature from the University of Ljubljana. She works as a freelance journalist for the daily newspaper Dnevnik, as a freelance film critic and journalist for "Ekran", a monthly magazine, specializing in film and TV, where she is also a member of editorial board, and as a journalist for the weekly magazine "Vklop", covering film and television topics, including international film festivals. She is also a member of the international federation of film critics FIPRESCI and was a member of a FIPRESCI jury at Ljubljana International Film Festival Liffe and Festival of Slovenian Film.

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