13/08/2012 Mediterranean film festival
The exhibition of pictures by Tomislav Zovko “Global siliconisation” within the 13th MFF
Besides interesting film screenings, the opening of the exhibition of the pictures by Tomislav Zovko from Široki Brijeg shall mark the first day of this year’s Mediterranean Film Festival. The title of the exhibition is “Global siliconisation” and this is going to be the first presenting of this young artist that graduated painting at The Fine Arts Academy in Široki Brijeg, who is more known for his engagement in the band called Berette for now.  
What’s it about?
Regarding the exhibition, as a young painter at the beginning of the career, I have a need to present and share my paintings with the people, and they essentially represent my view of the current global situation. And first of all I’m thinking of the problem of existence, as the material, so the spiritual. The paintings are actually abstract and not so simple to interpret.
What does the “Global siliconisation” refer to?
Siliconisation as a term, in my case, denotes all the artificial, all the unnatural in the present world that alienates the man from himself and from the true values that we seem to forget and that stay neglected and restrained within the frames of technological accomplishments and too fast life rhythm. That’s shortly about that, and you will be able to reed more information and explanations in the foreword of the exhibition catalogue. 

How did you come up with the idea to lay out the exhibition within the festival?
The idea for the exhibition layout within the festival came accidentally. Thinking about where to organize the first exhibition I came up with this idea first of all because of the audience that come here, considering that it’s fit to accept the work of visual arts, for which it’s getting harder to find quality audience. Besides, they can have something between the films to pass time. 

Have the works got some link with the film?
The works are not directly connected to the film, but I consider these two arts to be very connected and similar. Each picture is one take, just stopped, in distinction from the film takes that are in movement and are changing. So, each painting cycle is in fact a documentary about the author, just stopped in certain takes, in certain moments.

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