29/07/2012 Mediterranean film festival
“A Letter to My Father” by Damir Čučić the best film in Pula
The Jury under the chairmanship of Nina Violić declared “A Letter to My Father” by Damir Čučić, who is the selector of the Mediterranean Film Festival, for the best film at the 59th festival in Pula. The explanation of the jury says: “In an amazing artistic adventure, the authors of the film find hidden love, forgiveness and serenity, deep under the decades’ old layers of rage, mutual accusations, blame and regrets, for both of the protagonists.”We are talking about the first Čučić’s feature-length film, so he also got the award Breza for the best debutant. Mate Gulin won the Golden Arena for the best actor in a supporting role for the role of Father, and the film also won the Arena for the best sound, it was granted to Martin Semenčić and the Arena for the best editing went to Hrvoje Mršić and Damir Čučić. 

The Grand Golden Arena for the best film was granted to Vera Robić Škarica, the producer of the film, who is, when talking about MFF, the initiator and a long-standing associate of our festival. Besides Čučić’s “A Letter to My Father”, the film “Vegetarian Cannibal” by Branko Schmidt singled out with the Golden Arena for the direction, the best actor in a leading role, best camera, art direction and best make-up. The jury of the National competition program was composed of: Nina Violić, actress (president), Tomislav Kurelac, film critic, Dalibor Matanić, director, Ante Tomić, screenwriter and Vanja Černjul, cinematographer.

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