08/09/2006 Mediterranean film festival
Third day
Joško Marušic and Vinko Brešan arrived today, both famous Directors, in the realm of animated and feature films respectively. At 17.00 p.m. we saw the best products of Zagreb Studio of Animated Films, which is celebrating the 50th anniversary. Among others we saw the film «Surogat», the Oscar Winner. In the competition part at 19.00 p.m. we saw the only Lebanese film at the Festival, «Les Femmes Bones», and yet another Croatian film, «Ja se zovem Hodžic Safet». As it has become usual for Croats to shoot films in BiH, so this film by Croatian Director Rasim Karalic was shot at a mine in BiH. At the end of the evening we saw an excellent Israeli film «The Youreny of Vaan Nguyen».
The Festival Selector, Croatian Director Ognjen Svilicic wrote in the Prologue to the Festival Catalogue that this is the best film about Vietnam that he has ever seen, and that it is possible it could win the Grand Prix. This day also passed with large interest of the audience and media. Tomorrow a party at Pajo's. Come, the addmitance is free!