06/09/2006 Mediterranean film festival
First day of 7. Dani filma
Today the Press Conference was held where the Festival was presented and it was the Opening Ceremony of the 7th Days of Film, The Mediterranien Festival of Documentary Film. The starters were the films in the competition part. Ozren Milharcic, the Directir from Sarajevo, presented himself with the film «Enter the Dragon» («U zmajevom gnijezdu»), about the problems in the City of Mostar, reporting on the saga of erecting the monument to Bruce Lee in Mostar. That is the only film in the competition from BiH. The Croatian Directress Renata Poljak, who has arrived to Široki Brijeg today, presented herself with the film «Great Expectations» («Velika išcekivanja»), an intimate story about her family, talking about the «problems» of Croatian mentality through her personal experiences.

At the end of the evening we saw the first film by Faruk Loncarevic, «Mom and Dad» («Mama i tata»), awarded at Sarajevo Film Festival this year.

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